How we measure our impact
Impact is one of our core charity values. We will be measured by our success in helping people find an activity focus which improves their mental wellbeing.
Creating a positive exercise habit

Our purpose is to inspire and enable you to pursue activity for better mental health. We say inspire because we know taking a step towards activity is hard when you are struggling with mental health. We say enable because we remove financial and other barriers to help you take a step towards activity. Our first impact measurement is to assess whether through our support we change an individuals behaviour by regularly undertaking their chosen activity. In other words our support has resulted in the creation of an activity habit which will support mental wellbeing "4 Good" (long term).
Helping to move your mental health
Alongside your activity habit, we measure your improvement in mental health through using a method the NHS use to measure mental wellbeing - "DIALOG". This simple measurement of your mental well-being will show your progression in mental health. We will also ask you how your chosen activity has contributed to this improvement. We measure your health before you receive our support and several months after starting your chosen activity. We will also at our initial discussion agree your personal goals and whether you are achieving them - "Goal Based Outcomes".

Our overall impact
We have developed a very simple model which allows us to assess whether our support produces a level of "Gold", "Silver" or "Bronze" impact. "Gold" is our ultimate aim - we have helped you to find a new focus which you have adopted as a habit (will continue in the future) and which is contributing to improving your mental wellbeing.
A more active world
Through all our outreach, promotion and partnerships we aim to create a more active world for better mental health. The reach of our message will go way beyond those directly receiving our grants. This message is critical to both the prevention of mental illness and to help those struggling with their mental health.