Our vision
"A more active world for better mental health"

Our Purpose
We are here to inspire and enable people to take their own positive steps towards maintaining good mental health and recovering from mental illness.
Our mission
To create better mental health by helping people to find their activity focus through our grants, services, promotion and advice. In doing so we aim to be a critical additional service to the existing medical and psychological support available to those living with a mental health issue.

Our Values
Our values guide what and how we do things.
1. Science - we will always be guided by science and expert opinion where available.
2. Impact - judging our success by the measured impact we create.
3. Empowerment - Finding YOUR activity focus is what drives us.
4.Partnership - we can't deliver our vision without working with partners. Our beneficiary is our most important partner.
5. Inclusive - mental health inequality is a fact and we are here to tackle inequality in whatever form it takes.